Sunday, July 7, 2013

Names A to Z

We have spent the last few days at Papa and Nana's house at Lakeside, where there are wonderful sunsets and views out over Michigan-Huron (largest lake in the world).  132 steps down from the lake house is the beach.  Going down is OK, but for Cindy, now only six weeks from her due date, going up must be taken slowly.

We are still working on a name.  One school of thought is that alliteration is attractive, e.g. cousins Reese and Rylan, so an "A" name like Arianna's, such as Amelia or Audry would be an admirable approach.  Other options include Livia, Jena, or Zoe.

"Aunt" Becky -- her family is also at the lake house -- mentions that she has a friend systematically labeling her children with one letter of the alphabet after the next.  Her friend is now up to H.  Wow, let's see, that would be 8 children so far, with 18 name slots left to fill!  "She already has a big family." Becky explains.  "She is an adherent of Quiverfull."

If we went with Zoe would give us A to Z, Arianna to Zoe -- only two children, and, with Nathan and Jessica, a full quiver as far as I am concerned.

Arianna has just gone to sleep after a reading of the Eeyore's birthday chapter in Winnie the Pooh.  Cindy read it to her, but I remembered the details from Nathan and Jessica days. It is hard when no one remembers your birthday.
"Good morning, Pooh Bear," said Eeyore gloomily.  "If it is a good morning." He said.  Which I doubt," said he.

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